These are all wind turbines but they differ in their characteristics.
Type 1 is unique wind turbine which rotates the same way irrespective of whether wind is blowing forward or backward. For example if we assume that wind turbine revolves clockwise when wind blows from east to west, it would continue to do the same even when wind blows from west to east unlike type 2 and type 3 wind turbines. This is attributed to the aero-dynamic shape of the wings.
Difference between the type 2 and type 3 lies in the number of wings they have. More number of wings generate more torque i.e they provide more energy to the motor shaft to which they will ultimately be connected to, but the speed of rotation of wind turbine will be less
Hey, Check out some of the wind turbines i made
Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 4:49 PM Labels: MY WORKS
Posted by Merla. Sridhar 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008 at 9:21 PM Labels: MY WORKS
If we can make people recognize that protecting the environment is “Everyone’s Duty”, it will be a great leap in our efforts to save our environment.
With this in mind, I started my efforts to bring together and evolve ways in which we can lead a more environment friendly life and this campaign is an out put of my constant desire to do my part in keeping people aware and conscious about the deteriorating state of our environment.
Initially my idea was to bring paper covers into use in place of polythene covers. But it would be a costly affair. Even then it will be possible to use them in certain cases if we can get sponsorship. Later the idea of Paper C.D covers evolved.
Paper C.D Covers:
500 Paper C.D covers were prepared by me and they were distributed at free of cost in Stationary shops and in Internet cafes.
I made all the covers in my home and the print was done using stamps. I got 4 stamps prepared and i used two colors black and green to print the text. It took around two weeks to make the covers. My mother and brother have helped me a lot in doing this.
Prime motto behind this activity is to make people conscious about the fragile state of our environment. This is conveyed by the Phrase
And the C.D covers are like a medium, which symbolically states you to “AVOID POLYTHENE WHEREVER POSSIBLE”. ‘Wherever possible’ keeps the statement open i.e. not restricting it to just the C.D Covers. I want to convey to the public to avoid polythene wherever they find a convenient/economically feasible option. Ex: Carrying a cloth bag when we go to shopping/vegetable market/ supermarket.
Avoiding Polythene itself Doesn’t do much good as its only a small drop in an ocean of troubles the environment is facing today and there are many issues that need to be addressed.
Here is one of the 500 covers that i distributed
Posted by Merla. Sridhar 1 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008 at 7:33 AM Labels: India and Environment, Protecting Environment is Everyone's Duty
As you all people Know, India is a large country both in terms of its area and population. This fact itself says
a) how much pollution was/is being generated from our country (India is the 4th largest contributor of green house gases). and
b) how much contribution we can make to reduce the extent of pollution and thus Protect our Environment.
The major sources of pollution are :
A) Industries/ organizations
B) Transport Vehicles
C) Household pollution
Now, lets ask ourself 'what can we, as individuals do to deal with pollution.
Most of us are not so closely associated with industries. So, let's concentrate on Vehicles and Household pollution.
Coming to the transport vehicles, preliminary thing is that we need to realize the importance of public transport vehicles in reducing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted. Instead of going to your office alone in a car or on a bike, prefer to go by a bus. Next, think of using Electric Bikes & cars so that we can reduce our green house emissions. Even in the generation of electricity there is an element of pollution, but it is to an extent less compared to the use of fossil fuels. Employing Solar Energy, Wind Energy and Wave Energy will eliminate the pollution from electricity generation.
Domestic/ Household emissions are no less to emissions from the vehicles and industries. Green house gases do come out from our houses, ex: our gas stoves. Now you may ask , can we avoid Gas Stoves from our Homes. My answer is yes. But, i have a point to make clear to you. We cannot avoid it completely. We can avoid gas stoves in situations like cooking rice etc.
We can use CFL Bulbs instead of the tube lights/ Incandescent bulbs as the CFL bulbs are energy efficient i.e consume less electricity. It obviously means that less electricity needs to be produced and thus less amount of green house gases will be released during its production.
Some problems come to the surface in the Metropolitans. They include the above, and in addition other problems like Sewage Treatment, Solid waste management. We can treat our sewage right in our homes, We can Treat Some of our Solid waste as well. If we can do this, it will be a great job. These are just a few situations and we can bring a lot of Change if we all are committed to the cause of protecting the Environment.
Once we all can bring a change, even the industries / organizations will come forward to work for the cause of 'Protecting the Environment'.
So, Lets Say Together ,"We Indians will do our part to Protect the Environment".
Posted by Merla. Sridhar 0 comments